Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Follow me on Instagram: Lexiinreallife


Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Balloon Princess

Once upon a time there was a pretty princess who loved balloons very, very much....

...One very windy (but very beautiful) Saturday afternoon, she took her balloons out to play!...

{{There were double the amount of balloons, but the wind popped most of  them before we could start! The wind was blowing so hard that it was carrying Athena & the balloons away! I could only imagine that she would have blown away if all 24 balloons were present.}}

Suddenly, the unforgiving wind ripped the balloons away from the princess and claimed them for itself! The princess was very, very sad....

But, she was only sad for a moment because she found some very pretty flowers in a meadow! 

The princess caught a glimmer out of the corner of her eye. It was the queen perched high in a tree, watching her princess play peacefully in the meadow. 

The queen came down from her perch to play with her princess, they played & played all day long!

Athena & her mommy


At the end of the day, the queen declared she had a surprise for the princess! It was more balloons, the princess was so happy! 

The balloon princess & the queen lived happily ever after! 

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Sorry for the initial tease folks, the child called so I had to take a break. I didn't want to keep anyone waiting too long because I  have no idea when it will be when I finally post these...



I liked this one so much it got edited twice. This is the softer version. I think I like this one better.

This chick was wowing me left and right with her posing I actually had two more sets of these two. One set in a borrowed studio space and another on a rooftop, sadly they were deleted, never to be seen again!!! I am really upset about it. I lost some amazing images.... super sad face! :(((

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


I am going to share with you a session I did with two models, a male & a female. I LOVE THESE PICTURES! I do not think I have ever done a session that I was so in love with. So, Instead of flooding the Facebook with these pictures I will share them here.

 I would like to thank all involved with this shoot, Foxtrot, Peace Love-Dove and my lovely MUA and assistant for the day, Tep (although she didn't do make up for this shoot, only assisting.)

(male model) To book foxtrot: https://www.facebook.com/buckwildcowboy?fref=ts

(female model) To book Peace Love-Dove: https://www.facebook.com/peacelovedove?fref=ts

Now, for the prettiness.