Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Balloon Princess

Once upon a time there was a pretty princess who loved balloons very, very much....

...One very windy (but very beautiful) Saturday afternoon, she took her balloons out to play!...

{{There were double the amount of balloons, but the wind popped most of  them before we could start! The wind was blowing so hard that it was carrying Athena & the balloons away! I could only imagine that she would have blown away if all 24 balloons were present.}}

Suddenly, the unforgiving wind ripped the balloons away from the princess and claimed them for itself! The princess was very, very sad....

But, she was only sad for a moment because she found some very pretty flowers in a meadow! 

The princess caught a glimmer out of the corner of her eye. It was the queen perched high in a tree, watching her princess play peacefully in the meadow. 

The queen came down from her perch to play with her princess, they played & played all day long!

Athena & her mommy


At the end of the day, the queen declared she had a surprise for the princess! It was more balloons, the princess was so happy! 

The balloon princess & the queen lived happily ever after! 

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