Wednesday, February 6, 2013

PTM'S 52 project: week 6

This week the topic was "Good Morning!" & the themes were "yellow" & "strength". The point was to photograph anything that reminds you of the morning time. I think the most obvious thing would be a sunrise, surprisingly I haven't seen anyone submit one yet, although I am sure by the end of the week some one must... right? So I decided to go with one thing I do every single morning without fail, cook my sweet baby breakfast! Here is my submission for this week:

Nailed it. LOL!

Can you guess which theme I went with?

So I have a couple new shoots I will be sharing in the next couple of weeks! A maternity shoot and a minimalist black & white shoot with both a female & a male model. Score! I can't wait to get these edited & shared so I will work, work, work, as fast as I can! I am a one man army here, so bare with me!

Anyway, peace & love!

If you like my photography or my blog please share my Lexit Photography Facebook page:

& if you haven't already please don't forget to "like" it yourself!

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