Monday, January 21, 2013

Paint the moon's 52 project- week 3

This year I thought it would be great to try LOTS of new things with my photography, You know, expand my horizons. So, I have decided to take part in Paint The Moon Photography's (Annie Manning) 52 project for 2013. I missed the first two weeks of the project because I simply knew nothing about it. This project encompasses lifestyle photography based around weekly themes. 

This is my submission for week 3- "this makes me want to freeze time" 
The themes were dream or matching. 
I think that this goes more with the dream theme. You know how you sometimes dream memories? (at least I do.) This image to me seems like something I may look back on in the future or perhaps one of my memories that will reoccur in a dream, because of his laughter and how much he enjoys the car that Santa brought him. This toy is one of the few he plays with everyday, it is one we enjoy together because he likes it when I push him in it so he can drive fast and he laughs all the while (especially if we are chasing the cats)! 

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