Thursday, January 31, 2013


I read the most amazingly inspiring blog posts this morning. It is from one of my very favorite fellow photographers, Lidia Grigoreon. I really look up to her!  Everything about this woman is inspiring, her attitude towards life, her work, her words, her relationship with her daughter, her battle with cancer. I think that this particular post from her is especially inspiring, so much so that I want to share it with everyone!
Click the link below:

I think that as a photographer it is part of your job to capture the beauty that is life. The best part is we all have our own way of doing so, beauty is in the eye of the beholder after all!
Anyway please take some time to read her post, it is long but well worth the long read! & pass it on if it touches your heart, someone you know may really need these inspiring words to help them along!

Never take what you have for granted, love with your whole heart, & laugh until it hurts!

Here are some images of the beauty I have captured in my own life:

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