Monday, January 28, 2013

PTM'S 52 project: Week 4

For week four the topic was "A different perspective" & the themes were "blue & renewal".
All week long I was trying to get shots laying on the ground looking up I envisioned my entry for the week to be a picture of my son with the sky as the background. Unfortunately  I could never get my two year old to stand still long enough to get this shot.  By Friday, I still had no shot for this week. Thankfully a friend of mine, one of my best friends, took me out to a burlesque fashion show on Friday. I ended up with this shot from the balcony:

I know its noisy. It was dark in there my iso was at 1600. I need a speedlite for these situations, my on camera flash just doesn't work for this type of situation! That is my next purchase as far as camera equipment goes! 

I want to share one more shot I did for this topic although it has nothing to do with either blue or renewal, but I think it's cute! 

"Mamas don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys." 
(I think it's too late!)

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